
On this page, you'll find resources we've made available to help equip and empower you to grow in your relationship with God!

Quiet Time Resources

Use these resources during your quiet time to help read scripture and connect with God in prayer!

SOAP Method

This is an easy, effective way to study scripture! SOAP is an acronym for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.

S - Maybe begin your time by reading a chapter of scripture. Choose one, or more, verses that stand out to you and write it down.
O - Write down what you observe is happening in this scripture, maybe even use a commentary or study Bible to help you understand the context.
A - Once you've taken some time writing down your observations, shift your focus to how you can apply this scripture to your own life. How is God speaking to you through this verse?
- After you've journaled and reflected on your observations and applications, spend some time in prayer. Ask God to help this scripture take deep root inside of you.

ACTS Method

A prayer model based on Jesus' prayer in Matthew 6, ACTS stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication.

A - Begin your prayer time by praising God for who He is. Remind your heart of the attributes of God we find in scripture, and maybe take some time to write those down.
C - Admit the areas of your life you have fallen short and confess any sin to God. Be honest with Him, remembering that He loves you and has forgiven you.
T - Even in the hardest of circumstances, we can always cultivate gratitude. Spend some time thanking God for all the ways He has provided and been good to you.
S - Lastly, make your requests known to God. Bring any burdens that are on your heart, both for yourself and for others, entrusting them to Him.

Genesis Reading Plan

This February through April, join us in reading through the book of Genesis!

February 12 - Genesis 1
February 13 - Genesis 2
February 14 - Genesis 3
February 15 - Genesis 4
February 16 - Genesis 5
February 17 - Break
February 18 - Break

February 19 - Genesis 6
February 20 - Genesis 7
February 21 - Genesis 8
February 22 - Genesis 9
February 23 - Genesis 10
February 24 - Break
February 25 - Break

February 26 - Genesis 11
February 27 - Genesis 12
February 28 - Genesis 13
February 29 -  Genesis 14
March 1 - Genesis 15
March 2 - Break
March 3 - Break

March 4 - Genesis 16
March 5 - Genesis 17
March 6 - Genesis 18
March 7 - Genesis 19
March 8 - Genesis 20
March 9 - Break
March 10 - Break

March 11 - Genesis 21
March 12 - Genesis 22
March 13 - Genesis 23
March 14 - Genesis 24
March 15 - Genesis 25
March 16 - Break

March 17 - Break
March 18 - Genesis 26
March 19 - Genesis 27
March 20 - Genesis 28
March 21 - Genesis 29
March 22 - Genesis 30
March 23 - Break
March 24 - Break

March 25 - Genesis 31
March 26 - Genesis 32
March 27 - Genesis 33
March 28 - Genesis 34
March 29 - Genesis 35
March 30 - Break
March 31 - Break

April 1 - Genesis 36
April 2 - Genesis 37
April 3 - Genesis 38
April 4 - Genesis 39
April 5 - Genesis 40
April 6 - Break
April 7 - Break

April 8 - Genesis 41
April 9 - Genesis 42
April 10 - Genesis 43
April 11 - Genesis 44
April 12 - Genesis 45
April 13 - Break
April 14 - Break

April 15 - Genesis 46
April 16 - Genesis 47
April 17 - Genesis 48
April 18 -Genesis 49
April 19 - Genesis 50